Saturday, December 4, 2010

Internet Commercials, Good Idea?

I don't know how anyone else feels but when I search for a business and I get to their website and all I see is a description and some pictures I don't get a full sense of how they are.  If it's a big franchise we know or at least should know who and what they are, we most likely have visited their business before.  But when it's a small business, be it just starting out or been in business for years, I want to know who I am going to give my money too.

With the yellow pages phone book becoming a thing of the past and the ever growing Internet at our desposal we find our selves searching the world wide web.  With the phone book information about a business was limited, we got a phone number and an address, maybe even an ad for that business with a coupon attached.  But now with the Internet a whole new way of selling, a whole new way to advertise and market our selves have opened up, the possibities are endless.  So why don't more people with smaller business us that to their advantage?

As in all things there are differences of opinions on weather this really helps with business.  I would say yes, yes it does.  I have found different resources with roughly the same statistics on this.  One I have happen to find was at Business eCommercials,  There they have three important questions for consumers and I will share them here with you today.

The First question to consumers was, "Would you be more likely to buy from a company whose (web) site has streaming video?"  82.6% said they would.

Second question to consumers, "Would seeing video (in the company's website) increase your comfort level in doing business with companies and/or buying products "on-line"?  73.4% had an increase of comfort level after viewing.

The Third and last question, "Would you be more likely to buy products over the Internet after seeing streaming video?" 68.4% are more likely to buy products after seeing a web commercial.

When we look at the Internet we have endless time and easy access.  So why not use that to our advantage.  Make the visit to your website more informative, more intimate.  If a small business owner opens their selves up to their prospective customers and share with them a little more wouldn't that be more inviting, wouldn't that spark a little curiosity to see if they really are like that?  To me it would.

I will share an example.  My dad a few years ago left the trades and opened a small coffee shop.  It's right off the Metra line in Richton Park, Il. (just south of Chicago).  He started word of mouth, with hopes that the business would build it's self and it has to a point.  The this past March, with my MacBook Pro, I used the iWeb program and put up a website, on their I put a ecommercial and tho it may have not helped with sales (we have no way to track that as of yet) it gives a little insight to the history of the building, the services and amenities they offer at Richton Perk (name of the coffee shop).

I am going to work on a better ecommercial for the Richton Perk and have sparked interest from others that have small business's and are looking to add commercials to their website.  

I hope that you find interest in this as much as I do and let's talk about it.

As this being my first ever blog I encourage your comments, remarks and or suggestions.  




  1. One suggestion I would have is to make your links "live." That is, when someone clicks on the words "" it would take them right to the site.

  2. I will do that...Thanks for the suggestion...To be honest didn't think about that...
