Thursday, December 30, 2010

A child's Christmas surprise!

This year I opted out for the traditional Christmas Eve night, spending it with family and my Oma.  The reason for this was due to Darcie having to work until 8pm, I didn’t want her to come home to an empty house, not on Christmas Eve.  So I stayed home with the girls, Anthony was at his dad’s house already. 

Ok so leading up to this day we took Payton and Brooke-Lynn to see Santa at the mall, they sat on his lap, one cried and the other was happy to see the big guy.  She was so excited that when she saw him coming you would have thought he was a rock star, like when teenage girls used to scream and jump up and down at the sight of the Beatles or Elvis.  She had only one request for the man in red and that was for him to bring her Ballerina shoes.  As days passed and time got closer she kept asking when Santa was coming to bring her her shoes and the answer we gave was soon.  As days got closer and the excitement grew we told the girls that Santa would come but we didn’t know when and we would never see him bring gifts.

So now it’s Christmas Eve, still no presents under the tree, Santa would be here soon but when?  Darcie and I talked about how we could sell them on the idea that Santa was coming and we would not see him.  We figured it out, put the girls in the tub and start the bath just before she would get home.  Darcie would come in take over for me and I would then disappear and pile the gifts under the tree.  I placed it all just right.  See just a few days earlier Darc got the girls the reindeers from build a bear, their little heads sticking out of the box, two girl reindeer and of course Rudolph.  So I got it all out as quite as can be, then I found my way back into the bathroom just in time to stir some excitement and prompt them to end bath time. 

As we were finishing up clean the dirty little kids I stopped and said listen! Did you hear that?  I, I think that was Santa.  Payton stopped and said yeah I heard him.  To cute really, but then she was like no that’s not Santa.  Well just as luck would have it my mom sent a text message that just so happens to be bells.  That closed the deal I got her sold on the idea that Santa was here!  As we got them dried and dressed in their PJ’s we got ready to go down the stairs, of course I had to get down there before them so I could take pictures of the surprise look on her face.  As she slowly came down the stairs she saw the reindeer in front, the gifts around the tree and she was just as happy as she could be, jumping up and down shouting to the world, SANTA COMES! SANTA COMES!  But the first thing she did besides jump with excitement she went to the window, gave thumbs up and said “Thanks Santa!”

The look on her face was priceless, the excitement made our season and Santa even let three reindeers for them.

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