Friday, December 24, 2010

A Holiday Thought

I want to start by saying this, I am not asking you to agree or disagree, I am asking you to just stop and think.
Tonight, Christmas Eve, as the family gathers, children play with their new toys from Santa and we gear up for a Christmas Day with more family, laughter, stories and holiday cheer there are Men and Women that serve this Nation.  The reason for their enlistment can vary and really is irrelevant.

Tonight, tomorrow, a week from now when we celebrate a New Year and look back on the old one, there are going to be families that are going to receive news that is going to change the happy mood to a somber one.

One or the other that reads this may have first hand knowledge on just how fast your holiday cheer can leave at news of your loved one, friend, soul mate or whatever the case maybe has been killed protecting our rights, our freedoms.  I can only imagine, but really I don’t want to imagine what that must be like.  Today, tomorrow these men and women will take a moment to grieve then they will suit up and confront the risk once again.  They have chosen this life style, not because of the politics, they did not decide to fight a war, they knew the chances, they knew the risks and they continued to move forward. 

These Men & Women deserve our full respect and honor.

So during this holiday season I think that we can take a moment, remember those that are far from home fighting a battle that was not their choice. 

Respect those the choices they have made, because you would and want respect for the choices you have made.

Thank You to our Troops that have served and those that continue to serve this Great Nation, God Bless you and your families for the sacrifices you have given.

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