Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kids can teach us something...

I realize that blogs don’t need to be long or short stories but rather little blurbs of life written down to show a brief insight into ones thoughts.

So that is what I am going to do today.

Yesterday, I walked into our bedroom only to find the jewelry box, on the bed, opened and Brooke-Lynn going through it.  As you can imagine that sight did not make me to happy.  I yelled at both Payton and Brooke-Lynn, told them they were naughty and that they need to apologize to mommy for what they had done.  Now the mind of a child amazes me, a pre-teen can’t remember what you tell them but a 3 year old can.

Mommy finally came home, Payton walked up to her mommy, sad face and all, looks at her and says “Mommy I’m sorry, I’m sorry for playing with your jewelry box” arms extended looks at mommy and asks her “do you forgive me”.  How awesome is that.  All day she remembered and when it came time she not just said sorry but asked for forgiveness.

Can’t we all take a lesson from our children?

On a side note Brooke-Lynn as now figured out how to climb up on to the dresser.  If you would like to hear how she gets up there leave me a comment.